Have you heard the one about the guy who wanted his Galaxy S5to feel more like a premium phone so he glued a bunch of Swarovski crystals to the back of it?
Limited edition smartphones are nothing new, and now that gold colored smartphones are en vogue the ones that are actually made of gold aren’t as cool. It’s time to up the ante and do something truly absurd to make sure your device stands out.
You could go and spend a ton of money on a hand crafted Vertu phone that replaces Siri with an actual human concierge at your disposal 24/7, but what if you are OK with looking only slightly “better” than everyone else? Samsung’s new Crystal Collection for the Galaxy S5 appears to be the answer.
Swarovski crystals are known for exactly one thing, and that’s being horrendously expensive because they are labeled Swarovski. You can imagine what happens to the price when you take the backplate of a phone like the Galaxy S5 and coat every millimeter of the plastic with these little shards. And at least for a little while all you can do is imagine.
Samsung is planning to officially announce this collection in May, which gives you plenty of time to sell your car and take out a second mortgage on your house to make sure you can afford this utterly meaningless and likely not particularly comfortable to actually use status symbol.
Would anybody like to guess at a price point? Or how about the amount of time it takes for one of these enhanced S5s to get stolen?
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